Monica Grey-Coker

Over the last 15 years Monica Grey Coker has provided dedicated services to Prince Georges County Residents under the Crisis Response System, which is administrated by Affiliated Santé’.  During her time with the Prince Georges County’s Crisis Response System, Mrs. Grey-Coker has provided In-Home Family Intervention Services to families of youth with behavioral concerns and provides Outreach Services to residents and employees for Prince Georges County.  She also provides Crisis Intervention Stress Management (CISM) Interventions and Debriefing services during traumatic events.  Mrs. Grey-Coker is also certified CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) Group Instructor.  Over the last six years, Mrs. Grey-Coker has worked as the CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) Coordinator for Prince Georges County.  She is a Certified CIT Coordinator and Trainer: De-Escalation Techniques. Prior to working with Affiliated Santé”, Monica Grey-Coker employed with the PG County Health Department Out- Patient Substance abuse program.  With her experience working at House of Ruth (HOR) she was able to receive a certification as Certified Substance Abuse Counselor.  Mrs. Grey-Coker received her B.A. from University of Maryland, with a major in Psychology and Minor in African American Studies.